Property Law
09. Finance Tips For Property Buyers
Tip 09 – How To Increase Contingency Funds. Where you structure the loan correctly, one way to build up your contingency fund is for the loan to be Interest-Only for the first year...
08. Finance Tips For Property Buyers
Tip 08 – How Contingency Funds Help. The loan account balance is reduced by the daily balance of the contingency fund, which reduces the monthly interest bill for the loan account...
07. Finance Tips For Property Buyers
Tip 07 – Establish A Contingency Fund. A common mistake for buyers is spending all of their finances on the purchase, repair and upgrade of a property – and having little in reserve...
06. Finance Tips For Property Buyers
Tip 06 – Splitting Your Loan. When borrowing money, ask whether you can split the loan into 2 parts – one part as a fixed interest rate loan and the other part as a variable rate loan...
05. Finance Tips For Property Buyers
Tip 05 – Fixed Or Variable Interest Rate? Advantages of a fixed rate loan: certainty as to the loan repayments for the term of the fixed rate loan...
04. Finance Tips For Property Buyers
Tip 04 – Keep Loans Separate. You should avoid or minimise using the same Lender to finance the purchase of multiple properties – we recommend different lenders for different properties...
Wills & Estates
Helping those who don’t know they need it!
Friends & family often keep their problems to themselves because they are embarrassed by their predicament...
Proving you are you
The next time you buy a property or borrow money from a bank, your identity will need to be formally verified...
Aged parents with defective Wills!
Whilst you are often asked about your Will, less common are questions about your parents estate planning arrangements...
Property and Legal Newsletter, October 2012 Update
First Home Buyers Changes to the First Home Owner Grant of $7,000 take effect from 11 October 2012. Contracts for the purchase of a home, other than a new home, made before 11 October 2012 will be eligible for the first home owner grant...
The Missing Ingredient for Property Buyers
Property buyers searching for their ideal house, apartment or commercial property experience a rather curious process in which many don’t seem to realize the disadvantage they encounter...