Property Law
New Zealanders buying Queensland property
If a Queensland property is being purchased by a New Zealand citizen, it might be a good idea (for the Seller & the Buyer) if the Buyer obtains legal advice before signing any Contract.
Accountants & Bookkeepers liable for client’s underpayment of wages
Accountants & Bookkeepers may be accessorilyliable for client’s underpayment of wages
Land Tax Planning may save you $$$
Land Tax Planning may save you thousands of dollars every year. Even if you have never paid land tax, discuss your options with a property lawyer before your next purchase.
12. Finance Tips For Property Buyers
Tip 12 – Some Basics You Already Know. Keep separate financial records for every property...
11. Finance Tips For Property Buyers
Tip 10 – Additional Loan Payments. Where you have a principal and interest variable-rate loan, confirm with your Lender that you will not be charged any penalty where you make additional payments (above the minimum monthly amount)...
10. Finance Tips For Property Buyers
Tip 10 – Additional Loan Payments. Where you have a principal and interest variable-rate loan, confirm with your Lender that you will not be charged any penalty where you make additional payments (above the minimum monthly amount)...
Wills & Estates
Your Will: what about your Family Trust?
In today's article, we highlight some diabolical stories where the children of the founders of the Trust have abused an opportunity to seize control of the assets of the Trust - to the utter and absolute dismay of their surviving parent.
Your Will: Jointly Owned Property
Where you own property jointly with one or more other people, careful attention is needed for every property to ensure that your estate planning intentions are carried into effect.
Your Will: Why you need a Testamentary Trust
The opportunity to dramatically improve the lives of their children with proper estate planning is being taken by an increasing number of Australian parents. There may very good reasons why you should take action now to implement some simple estate planning arrangements. The benefit to your children could be minimal, or could be worth hundreds of thousand of dollars, depending on your family's circumstances.
Your Will: Testamentary Trusts
A standard Will is no longer suitable for many Australians. Unfortunately, they are usually not even aware that they may have a future problem. Even if they are aware of these problems, they don't realise that there may be some effective solutions.
Relationship Breakdown Part 2
Life can change in an instant when your future plans are pulled from under your feet! A relationship breakdown requires you to reconsider your plans & restructure your life. Whilst unwelcome, it is the perfect time to make changes to improve your life & protect your future. This is part 2 of a 2 part series.
Relationship Breakdown: Part 1
Life can change in an instant when your future plans are pulled from under your feet! A relationship breakdown requires you to reconsider your plans & restructure your life. Whilst unwelcome, it is the perfect time to make changes to improve your life & protect your future. This is part 1 of a 2 part series.