Property Law
Relationship Breakdown Part 2
Life can change in an instant when your future plans are pulled from under your feet! A relationship breakdown requires you to reconsider your plans & restructure your life. Whilst unwelcome, it is the perfect time to make changes to improve your life & protect your future. This is part 2 of a 2 part series.
Relationship Breakdown: Part 1
Life can change in an instant when your future plans are pulled from under your feet! A relationship breakdown requires you to reconsider your plans & restructure your life. Whilst unwelcome, it is the perfect time to make changes to improve your life & protect your future. This is part 1 of a 2 part series.
Buying Real Estate in a Family Trust
There can be many good reasons to use a family trust to buy real estate, particularly when the property is not your home.
PPSR protection for small business owners
If you don’t have your interests registered on the PPSR, then you may have no rights to your own assets which are not in your possession.
Land Tax on Real Estate
Land Tax Strategies when buying real estate
Should you refinance your loan?
You may be wondering whether you should refinance your existing mortgage. There may be very good advantages for you in refinancing a loan - but you also need to be aware of possible negative consequences.
Wills & Estates
Who can make decisions for you when you can’t
A General Power of Attorney authorises someone to act on your behalf, but ceases to operate where you lose mental capacity due to accident or illness. A spouse, friend or relative would be unable to act on your behalf or assist you with any of your personal, legal or financial affairs unless you had signed an Enduring Power of Attorney.
Dying without a Will: Who Gets What?
Where you pass away without a valid Will, you are classified as dying 'intestate'. Where your Will doesn’t deal with all of your estate assets, you are classified as dying 'partially intestate'. If intestate, your assets are distributed according to a rigid set of rules. The consequences can be disastrous for your family, as those people closest to you could miss out entirely.
Law change for defacto relationships & step-children
Two important changes were made to Queensland’s Succession laws on 5 June 2017: (1) The end of a defacto relationship is now treated the same as the end of a marriage (2) Step-children are now eligible to make a claim on the estate of their step-parent
Estate Planning following a relationship breakdown
When a personal relationship breaks down, your life changes. A relationship breakdown means that you have to redesign your future plans. Whilst an unwanted experience, it is the perfect time to make the changes to protect your future.
No excuses for no Will!
There are no excuses for not having a Will! You may recognise some of these "reasons" for not organising your estate planning arrangements. Buy when you think about it, you owe it to your family to get organised.
Risks of losing your inheritance!
The contents of your parents’ Wills are none of your business. However, the risk of losing your inheritance means that there may be very good reasons for a discussion about your parents' estate planning arrangements.